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Guidebook for Walking Football

Aineiston lyhyt kuvaus

Walking football is a low-threshold team sport. Here in Finland, it is already played by dozens of social and health care sector organisations. In this guide you will find the necessary information for organizing your walking football team activies and training.


Aineiston hyöty

In this guide you will find the necessary information for organizing your walking football team activies and training.

Osallistujia: Rajoittamaton


Aineiston sisältö

This guidebook provides the information necessary for sufficient understanding of the sport as well as comprehensive instructions on how to launch and lead a walking football team and walking football activities in your area. Our aim was to keep the guidebook as simple and con- cise as possible. Launching, operating, and coaching walking football as a hobby is easy and fun! No previous experience in football or coaching is required. The most important thing is a positive and courageous attitude and, most of all, a willingness to try something new. The instructions of this guidebook are not set in stone. They are invented and intended for your support as a coach or a leader and may be applied freely as you see fit. The most important thing in walking football is the sense of belonging, being together, and having a great time!