Walking football is a low threshold, low impact, low injury risk team sport that promotes better physical and mental well-being and social inclusion. It is an efficient way to bring people together, create a feeling of unity, and create a social environment for other shared actions. Walking Football offers a sport where everybody can join, enjoy and feel the excitement of playing together.
* No running with or without the ball
* Only goalkeeper is allowed to play in the penalty area
* Ball must not be kicked above the crossbar
* No headers
Learn more about Walking Football from this video by Aapo Kotkavuori from Kukunori.
Also a guidebook of walking football has just appeared. Here is the link:
https://xn--kvelyfutis-q5a.fi/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Guidebook-for-Walking-Football_Kukunori.pdf Later it can be downloaded from Kukunori´s website.
At the beginning of the session, participants were sharing pictures and photos of their sport-related dreams connected for example to football, cheerleading, swimming and rowing. The facilitator Markus Vähälä inspired the participants to make dreams come true together by seeking funding from the EU and other funding institutions. Impact specialist Soilikki Viljanen from Kukunori introduced an overview of the Erasmus+ application and asked to cooperate to apply funding for change-making projects in Social Sports.
Kukunori the Center of Association of Culture and Wellbeing in Finland is an umbrella organization of 43 Finnish non-profit non-governmental organizations working for wellbeing, art, and culture. Kukunori’s mission is to support organizations, groups, and people in developing their practices and working culture, adding inclusion, experimentation and creativity, leading to wellbeing for all. Kukunori wants to support you and your organization to find funding for social sports. Let us know what kind of support you are waiting for. We believe that only the shared information is valuable.
As we know the world cannot be saved alone. It requires others interested in the same themes. The world deserves to be aware of all the knowledge capital that art and culture actors have as removers of social problems. Through sports, it is possible to reach people we cannot reach for example via art and culture. Let’s work together to promote human wellbeing. It is important to stop from time to time to think about what is the change you are committed to promote. For example, what is the big change we want to make by Walking Football or just by bringing people to people?