For this NLNW Festival event we will creating hope through art in relation to justice related issues. Justice covers a wide variety of social issues ranging from criminal justice, environmental justice, or racial justice. All of these social issues require a lot of ”reaching for our further shores” as we identify our hopes and dreams that will make important positive change possible. On that note, the action we are ”hoping” to create is a collage of poetry, art, and any other ways people want to express themselves about their ’hopes and dreams” in relation to justice. We’ll transform the materials that we gather into one artwork that can be shared digitally across the world as our shared action! So please join us.
To Participate during the event
To Watch The Action happening go to No Labels No Walls website here:
This NLNW Festival event will be broadcasted to Citizen Network TV. Please subscribe today here:
Join us on Monday August 25th 2021 @ 10am PST, 7pm EET, 5pm GMT